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Bona Fide Language School
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School Manager
Kat K-Chin Wilson

Help introduce a creative Hit Lang School to the world
Dear Visitors/Friends
Hit-Langs means to be "homeschooling in two languages." I set this school up in 2009. The main idea of my home school is to create,to discover,to learn,to practise,to gain experience and follow our dreams. This is a unique home school for tutoring which delivers outstanding private tuition.My teaching/tutoring is independent and different from other home schools,the purpose is to help my child succeed in primary school and prepare her for all school success.I teach study skills,build great organisational skills,build self-esteem,focus on process and goals and support my child to be a successful student.Furthermore, I also prepare for her journey of life,deeply knowing that God always be with her and walks with her each step of the way.I teach her life lessons to live life with happiness and positivity and also teach her about other things that the schools don't teach by using less formal ways of educating.
First,I have set up this home school to teach my daughter English and Thai as main subjects. During the process I have added other subjects such as maths, art and music. I have taught many subjects to my daughter and she enjoys it very much.I have seen the good progress she has made in all subjects.
When she was 3 years old, I took her to a local school to have social skills and a formal education,like other children. However, I still keep teaching her and follow the school curriculum until now. I have tutored and helped her to learn many different subjects after school, weekends and during school holiday using national curriculum and lots of different teaching styles.We have fun and have enjoyed doing many activities together.My Homeschooling has become very successful, as results, my daughter is top of her class and she is above national expectations. She has been awarded lots of certificates and received fantastic reports for being such a good role model for many schools she has been to.Her attitude towards work has been excellent, along with her kind and caring nature which is a great achievement. She has been head girl of one school as well as a superstar,a musician in a band who often plays music in concerts,the first person and the only one from a school to achieve a music exam which no one has done before.She is also good at art and craft, a winner who has won first, second and many third prizes in an International Children's Art Competition. I am very proud of my daughter for all the success she has made and thanks to all the schools my daughter's been too.Here are awards that she has received.
I used to work for many companies and was recruited at a London college in 2013 to teach Thai as a taster course. This was a great success! Evaluation from the course was described as “excellent” and I had delivered a successful course! This success was brought further in teaching opportunities. Due to the success of my "Homeschooling in two languages", I turned it into a shorter name that's called "Hit Lang School!" Ever since then, I decided to teach Thai to people who were interested for a variety of reasons. Many business people came and wanted to learn Thai, even some companies wanted me to run courses and teach in classes! The school has grown and I offered free tuition to help adults language exchange and I also helped children learn Thai, so I volunteered in London to deliver Thai lessons to children who were half Thai and half English too!
Helping foreigners/students learn languages is a great thing that has helped me reflect upon my experience to help me grow to become an effective teacher so I have branched out into the community by providing an online teaching service and teaching students face-to face. I am fully self-employed in 2019, I am very passionate about teaching and I have dedicated myself to do it my best.
Furthermore,my daughter and I love art very much.We are very proud that our artwork and graphic design are accepted portfolio so we turn our artwork into gifts. To buy a gift,please visit our stores at
Thank you so much for taking your time to read this.
Respectfully yours,
Kat (K-Chin) Wilson
Hit Lang School's Manager/owner.
Here is "Our Story"
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