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global Thai and  lao classes

Global Thai & Lao Classes 

 Companies, schools, colleges & universities from around the world are welcome! 

(Over 50 countries have entry to my class)

Global Thai language classes at Hit Lang school -Taught by professional Thai teacher.png
World class - global classes for Thai and Lao language.Teaches worldwideat Hit Lang School.School uk.One to one or group learning.College,university and any company are welcome!

Online Live Groups For All Beginner Classes Worldwide


Private Global Classes For Thai Or Lao Lessons. Group Size From 4-10 Students 

study Lao -Thai or English in a group of 4 students worldwide

A group of 4 students

£12 per person

study online in a group of 6 students

A group of 6 students

£10 per person

study Thai or Lao online in a group of 8 students

A group of 8 students

£8 per person

learning Thai in a group of 10 students at Hitlangschool

A group of 10 students

£7 per person

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Private Global Classes For Thai Or Lao Lessons. Group Size From 3-9 students 

Learn Thai or Lao in a group of 3 students at hitlangschool

A group of 3 students

£15 per person

Global Thai -Lao classes worldwide

A group of 5 students

£11 per person

Global  Thai/Lao classes for  a gruop of 7students

A group of 7 students

£9 per person

Global Thai/Lao classes for a group of 9 students

A group of 9 students

£7.50 per person

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Private Global Classes For Thai Or Lao Lessons. Group Size From 2-13 students 

Global Thai/Lao/ English classes in a group of 2 students

A group of 2 students

£17 per person

Global Thai-Lao-English classes for a group of 11 students

A group of 11 students

£7 per person

Global Thai-Lao-English classes for a group of 12 students

A group of 12 students

£7 per person

Global Thai-Lao-English classes of a group of 13 students

A group of 13 students

£7 per person

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