
Bona Fide Language School
Tel : 07958044298
Email : hitlangschool@yahoo.co.uk
English Course For Beginners

Private Teaching : One to one online via Skype £22 per hour
Hit Lang School Classroom : In-person learning £22 per hour
Course Length:
Each learner is different.I will create it just for you.
Mode of Attendance
2-4 hours a week.Learn in your peace and at your convenient time.
Course Description:
What will you achieve?
Be able to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
Be able to interact with other people in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Be able to handle a basic range of situations immediately relevant to the student‘s needs in simple everyday situations.
Be able to understand the main point of short extracts in a limited range of situations.
Be able to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
Be able to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
Be able to describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
You should have basic knowledge of the English alphabet
What will you learn?
In this course, you will learn important English words and phrases, essential English grammar, and some really helpful English rules. This will start your English studies off in a great way, and get you moving forward!
Four skills,writing,reading,speaking and listening
Speaking - Beginner Level
Introduce Yourself
Introduce People
Identify People and Things
Classroom Questions
Ask for Information
Giving Information
Simple Sentences
Simple Questions
Number and Counting
Talking about Family
Talking about Favourite Things
Talking about here and now
Describing People
Talking about Feelings/Health Issues
Learn the basics of English grammar
Telling Time
Talking about Past Actions
Talking about the Future
Talking about Life Events
Expressing Likes and Dislikes
Simple Shopping
Short Questions and Answers
Closing a Conversation
Expressing Thanks
At a Store
Describing a Picture
Talking about Occupations
How will you learn?
In this course, you will learn all the areas of the English language at Beginner level. Even if you are a little more advanced, this is a very useful course for you to take to improve your English foundations.
Taught in a friendly and supportive atmosphere by a qualified TEFL teacher.
Students who complete the course will have a good understanding of Beginner English.
Who is the target audience?
Anyone who wants to learn English.
Anyone who wants to start learning English.
Anyone who wants to improve their English at beginner level.
How to Apply For English Course
When you are ready.Please , book a course and start learning!
A package of 10 lessons (in-Person Learning) I have offered learners a package of 10 lessons to receive one lesson free. You will save £22.

A package of 10 lessons (online Via Skype) I have offered learners a package of 10 lessons to receive one lesson free. You will save £22.

Please Note : Simply you can buy a package and schedule the lessons with a teacher later!