
Bona Fide Language School
Tel : 07958044298
Email : hitlangschool@yahoo.co.uk
You can have real conversations with native speakers about a variety of topics and subjects with us!
B1 study targets
Language communication
Describing experiences and events
Expressing hopes and ambitions
Describing feelings
Giving reasons
Giving opinions
Expressing preferences
Stating obligations
Expressing certainty
Describing events in the past
Describing events in the future
Language vocabulary
Feelings and emotions
Travel and transport
Leisure activities
Sport, health and fitness
News and media
Time expressions for the past
Time expressions for the future
Language grammar
Adverbs for time, degree, manner
Modals: should have, might have etc
Future: going to
Conditionals (first and second)
Future continuous
Language level B1 • CEFR
At the end of language level B1, you can:
understand the main points on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in Thai, laos or an English-speaking area.
produce simple connected text on topics, which are familiar, or of personal interest.
describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.(source)
B1 Conversational topics
Here are conversational topics you should be able to talk about at this level :(source)
The individual* personal particulars* appearance* inner characteristics* casual / evening wear
Partnership* relatives, friends* acquaintances, neighbors* classmates/schoolmates/colleagues
Family* family members* family occasions/celebrations* distribution of tasks in the family
Place of living* house/block house/flat* furnishing/gadgets of the rooms* furnishing/gadgets of the kitchen and the bathroom* rent and bills* housework
Traveling/transport* means of transport* public transport* timetable/information* buying tickets/preparation for a journey* traveling abroad/traveling documents
Shopping/shops* shops/markets* department stores / departments* groceries/household goods* clothing* electric appliances
Communication/keeping in contact* post (letter, telegram, parcel)* telephone (traditional, mobile, text messages)* Internet (e-mail, Skype, chat)
Services* financial services (transfer, exchange)* restaurant (menu, ordering, paying)* hotel (booking, paying)
Culture/entertainment* guests* cinemas* theaters* museums* concerts* library (school, at home, public)
Time/weather* seasons/weather* weather forecast
eating and drinking
at the doctor’s* common illnesses and their symptoms* prescriptions / medication /pharmacy -
Sport* popular sports* national sports* doing sports
Media* television* radio* newspapers / magazines
Hobby* gardening / DIY* reading / listening to music* computer
Studying/work* types of schools* subjects* popular professions/workplaces* daily routine
European Union* members of the EU* travelling / work / mobility
Culture and civilization* basic practical information regarding the home country and the target language country (weather, currency, eating habits, daily routine, celebrations, shopping opportunities, etc)* tourist attractions* accommodation / restaurants
Holidays and celebrations
B2 study targets
Language communication
Describing experiences
Expressing opinions
Expressing agreement and disagreement
Giving advice with advantages and disadvantages
Making suggestions
Expressing feelings and emotions
Reporting events
Speculating about events in past, present, future
Adding emphasis
Describing hopes and regrets
Language vocabulary
Work and education
Crime and punishment
Media and communication
Global issues
Multi-word verbs
Reporting verbs
Linking expressions
Language grammar
Compound adjectives
Adverbs for time, degree, manner
Relative clauses
Modals of speculation
Conditionals (second and third)
Mixed conditionals
Reported speech
Language level B2 • CEFR
At the end of language level B2, you can:
understand the main ideas of complex text on a variety of topics, including technical discussions in your field of specialisation.
interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.(source)
B2 Conversational topics
Here are conversational topics you should be able to talk about at this level (source and source 2):
0. The individual* behavioral patterns* fashion/clothing/cosmetics
Partnership* making friends (in person, on the net, etc.)* roles in the family* contacts at work / at school
Family* family/bringing up children* relationship of generations / living together* marriage/forms of partnership
Place of living* rental/property/lodgings* buying a flat/buying on credit /renovation* way of living in a town and a village
Traveling/transport* driving/highway codes* walking, riding the bike* reasons/forms of traveling abroad
Shopping/shops* shopping habits/commercials, ads* chains/shopping by mail* retail shops versus shopping centers
Communication/keeping in contact –* reasons for the popularity of mobiles* the role of language knowledge in communication* the increasing dominance of the English language
Services* car rental / travel agencies* repairs / guarantees
Culture/entertainment* books versus Internet* cinema, theatre versus TV, video, DVD* he Internet and the social networking sites
Time/weather* role and accurateness of forecasts* relationship between climate and flora/fauna
Health/illnesses* outpatient department / hospital / specialists* nature cure – medicines* prevention / screening* healthy diet
Sport* doing sports – healthy lifestyle –dangerous/extreme sports* ball games / team sports / rules* water sports/winter sports* Olympic Games
Media* features of newspapers, their columns* sensation and news
Hobby* pursuing amateur arts* clubs (sport, cultural, professional)* hobby and work* modern/peculiar hobbies
Studying/work* language knowledge / skills / career* equal chances in education / finding a workplace* unemployment* exchange programs / scholarships abroad / professional development* new forms of studying
European Union* work in the EU* language teaching/language knowledge/work opportunities in the EU
Culture and civilization The home country and the target language country* population / ethnic minorities* historic traditions / monuments / cultural values* artistic / ethnographic characteristics
Public life* public institutions / personal documents* public safety* national holidays
Environmental protection* pollution (air, water, soil, et)* selective waste management* recycling* alternative sources of energy
Current topics/events* public life / politics / NGOs* economy
Education system