
Bona Fide Language School
Tel : 07958044298
Email : hitlangschool@yahoo.co.uk
You can have real conversations with native speakers about a variety of topics and subjects with us!
C1 study targets
Language communication
Expressing feelings and attitudes
Emphasising an issue or a feeling
Expressing opinions tentatively
Developing an argument systematically
Negotiating and conceding
Describing cause and effect
Expressing empathy and sympathy
Expressing reservations
Speculating about events in past, present, future
Discussing complex subjects in detail
Language vocabulary
Life experiences and lifestyles
Books and literature
Money and business
News and current affairs
Global issues
Scientific developments
Vague language
Colloquial expressions
Idiomatic expressions
Language grammar
Futures (revision)
Passives (all forms)
Compound adjectives and modifying gradable adjectives
Adverbs and adverbial phrases: degree
Modals in the past
Mixed conditionals
Ellipsis and substitution
Adding emphasis – cleft sentences
Adding emphasis – inversion with negative adverbials
Multiword verbs
Language level C1 • CEFR
At the end of language level C1, you can:
understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning.
express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, with controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. (source)
C1 Conversational topics
Here are conversational topics you should be able to talk about at this level (source):
The individual* ambition/career building* the individual and the society* problems of social integration
Partnership* forms of partnership* nationalities/minorities
Family* the social status of families / the system of family allowances* family/career
Place of living* housing situation/difficulties in building a house* homelessness / its causes/ problems* housing and mobility
Traveling/transport* problems of city traffic / public transport versus using cars* transport and environmental protection* tourism as a source of income* development in transport / its aspects
Shopping/shops* consumers’ society* buying on credit/with credit cards/on the Internet* shopping tourism
Communication/keeping in contact* the Internet in business communication* Fax, e-mail versus traditional letter writing* less widely used languages versus English
Services* quality/guarantee of services* role, significance of services* electronic services / online ordering
Culture/entertainment* role of arts in the past and present* public collections and their maintenance / art / historic relics / monuments* mentorship / sponsorship / advertising
Time/weather* natural catastrophes and their consequences* hole in the ozone layer/dangers of global warming
Health/illnesses* science/research serving medical care / genetics* alternative methods of healing* health tourism
Sport* first-class sports – mass sports/doping* professionalism in sports / amateur sports / extreme sports* sport and women (chess, boxing, weightlifting, football)* sport and commercials
Media* objectivity / impartiality of providing information* stars / celebrities
Hobby* promoting traditions* exclusive hobbies (golf, horse riding, scuba diving, etc.)* hobby and/or professionalism?
Studying/work* (over) qualification/chances on the work market* lifelong education* finding work/mobility* chances of the underprivileged
European Union* the role of the EU in world politics* common / national currency
Culture and civilization The home country and the target language country* fame/recognition in the world / their relationship to each other* their image* differences in traditions / customs / ideology
Public life* the purity of public life / corruption* political parties / elections / referendum
Environmental protection* prevention in environmental protection* environmental catastrophes and their consequences
Current topics/events* public life / politics / NGOs* economy / arts / sports
Globalization* uniformity (dressing, eating, culture, consumer products, etc.)* globalization / maintaining national characteristics
Current questions on ethics* animal experiments* nuclear experiments
Current questions on economy/society–* smuggling: goods/people* smoking/dangers of drug addiction
C2 Study Targets
Language communication
Express yourself fluently and precisely in any topic
Includes complex situations and the ability to communicate accurately in formal and informal settings
Language vocabulary
Excellent range of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions and colloquial language
Can use phrases and expressions accurately with natural and sophisticated control
Language grammar
Can use a full range of grammatical structures accurately and appropriately
Can naturally use different linguistic forms to convey finer shades of meaning.
Language level C2 • CEFR
At the end of English level C2, you can:
understand virtually everything heard or read with ease.
summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.
express yourself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.(source)
C2 Conversational topics
At this level, you are absolutely fluent and can talk about almost everything. No wonder! You're approaching the level presented by well-educated-native speakers.
My only advice for you at this level is to dive into details of any topic you decide to discuss.
Topics that you should talk such as science, business, media and news, current events, the weather and the environ, actions and verbs, psychology and life lessons etc..
More topics that you should talk such as:
Why do humans treat their pets like human beings?
What bad habit would you like to break?
How are you feeling?
What movie do you want to see?
What kind of music improves your mood?
If you were a car, which would you be?
You need to put in lots of effort to activate all those obscure words. Don't talk just about shopping. Discuss "high-impact strategies to increase a wholesale diversification". Or, you know, something of this sort.