
Bona Fide Language School
Tel : 07958044298
Email : hitlangschool@yahoo.co.uk

Speaking Winner
Congratulations to Sadie for winning speaking skills in poetry speaking and a story telling.

More details
Sadie Wilson

Year 6
She has been selected to be "A school's Head Girl"

Year 5
A Successful Student

..Many, many Congratulations to my daughter (Sadie Wilson) on winning Gold medals, the best student who wrote amazing poetry and produced high-quality work! A student who has been selected for the school as representative to deliver impressive music performance (in the concert)of MAPAS. A student who could do what other students didn’t want to do. You have truly set a new record! Your will to push and never give up has brought you this far, you deserve this and more. Congratulations for a marvellous achievement!” You did it! Enjoy life to the fullest. We're so proud of the countless hours of your study that you have made a great success ! Very well done Sadie 👍

Year 4
A Super Member Of The School
Congratulations to Sadie ( my daughter) on her brilliant success (Highest Score in Maths, English and all) Sadie has received " A+" in all subjects which has resulted in results which are above national expectations. With her excellent academic record It's really a splendid achievement and we are all proud of her success. Keep up the good work, Sadie “Everyone wants success, but it only follows those who make a true approach to get it. You know the hard work and dedication has a destination which is success. Very well done.

Year 3
Excellent School Report

Year 2
Fantastic School Report
( Champion of Speaking Poem 2014) & awards
A huge well done to Sadie for being great role model.At The end of academic year ,Sadie Wison ,Year 2 has been awarded... over 10 awards from head teacher and teachers..Excellent results ( Her assessment results are above the nationally expected standard every subject.) good behaviour (stayed on green has been good at all time and received 180 green points ) that it is her ultimate award.Congratulations to my daugther on reaching this wonderful achievement.

Year 1
Wonderful Achievements